College affordability from College Scorecard
A dataset containing a sample of observations and variables from the Department of Education's College Scorecard (data is for the 2021-22 academic year)
A data frame with 1719 rows and 14 variables:
- unitid
Unit ID for institution
- name
Name of the college
- state
State abbreviation
- type
Type of college (Public; Private, nonprofit; Private, for-profit)
- admrate
Undergraduate admissions rate (from 0-100%)
- satavg
Average SAT equivalent score of students admitted
- cost
The average annual total cost of attendance, including tuition and fees, books and supplies, and living expenses
- netcost
The average annual net cost of attendance (annual cost of attendance minus the average grant/scholarship aid)
- avgfacsal
Average faculty salary (9 month)
- pctpell
Percentage of undergraduates who receive a Pell Grant
- comprate
Rate of first-time, full-time students at four-year institutions who complete their degree within six years
- firstgen
Share of first-generation students
- debt
Median debt of students after leaving school
- locale
Locale of institution