Bechdel test
A dataset containing Bechdel test scores for a sample of films from 1970-2013.
A data frame with 1394 rows and 10 variables:
- year
Year the film was released.
- title
Film title.
- test
Whether the film passed or failed the test. Pass requires the film
Have at least two named women in it
Who talk to each other
About something other than a man
- budget_2013
Film's budget in millions of dollars (inflation-adjusted to 2013).
- domgross_2013
Domestic gross revenue in millions of dollars (inflation-adjusted to 2013).
- intgross_2013
International gross revenue in millions of dollars (inflation-adjusted to 2013).
- rated
MPAA film rating.
- metascore
Metacritic film score (0-100).
- imdb_rating
IMDB film rating (0-10).
- genre
Primary genre of the film.